Dear Reader,
We are in process of selecting 10 scrips from universe of small and mid cap stocks which can benefit investors in the year 2024. We are confident that these carefully selected stocks can outperform major indices like Sensex and Nifty over next 12 months.
We will share portfolio of 10 small & mid cap stocks for 2024 on 31st Dec'23 with all our subscribers of Hidden Gems, Value Picks and Wealth-Builder.
We will give the different allocation to each of the scrips keeping in mind the risk versus returns ratio. We will also fine tuned the portfolio with mid-cap and small cap scrips from different sectors so that the investors can invest in a complete mix of stocks to balance their portfolio. Saral Gyan Portfolio of 10 stocks for 2024 will also include best of Hidden Gems and Value Picks recommended by our equity analyst’s team during last couple of years.
Its time to also review Saral Gyan Portfolio of 10 stocks of 2023 released by us on 1st Jan 2023. We are pleased to share that our portfolio has outperformed Sensex by 53.8% respectively. Sensex has given returns of 18.4% (60,841 on 1st Jan '23 to 72,038 as on date) since beginning of the year where as Saral Gyan Portfolio of 10 stocks of 2023 have outperformed giving absolute returns of 72.2% in the same period.
Performance update of Saral Gyan Portfolio of 10 Stock - 2023
Performance update of Saral Gyan Portfolio of 10 Stock - 2023
Nine stocks out of ten of our New Year Portfolio 2023 are giving positive returns in the range of 4% to 270% and only one stock has given negative returns of -11%.
The maximum returns were delivered by two of our Hidden Gem stocks, Cupid is giving as on date returns of 269% and Control Print has delivered returns of 149%. Value Picks stocks like Natco Pharma, Hindustan Copper, Care Ratings and Kewal Kiran Clothing have delivered returns in the range of 40 to 115% over the last 12 months. Apex Frozen Foods and Emmbi Industries underperformed the major indices delivering returns of -11% and 4% respectively.
Note: We will review these stocks and guide our members with buy / sell / hold updates in New Year Portfolio 2024. Our New Year Portfolio 2024 of 10 Small & Mid Caps Stocks will be released on 31st Dec 2023, it will be shared under Hidden Gems / Value Picks / Wealth-Builder service.
(i) Top Quality management with high integrity:
This is an absolutely non-negotiable condition. If the management is not honest, will they want to share the goodies with you? No, they will look for the first opportunity to siphon off the profits and pull the wool over your eyes.
(ii) The scale of opportunity must be big:
Multi-bagger stocks are created because they are able to scale the opportunity rapidly. Titan Industries is a great example. In 2003-04, Titan‘s market cap was 500 crores. As on date, it is around ~3,00,000 crores. The fact that India is a booming marketplace of 135 crores consumers means that most products and services have a head start at trying to scale up their activities.
(iii) Low debt; free cash flows:
We learnt from the great crisis of 2011 and 2019 that companies with high debt on their books simply get slaughtered. While debt per se is not bad (if the company is able to borrow at a lower rate and deploy it in its business at a higher rate, the operating leverage works in its favour), excessive debt with high interest and repayment obligations can crunch the stock in times of downturn. So, as a long-term investment philosophy, it is best to steer clear of high-debt companies.
(iv) High ROE – Efficient users of capital:
Some company’s management is able to squeeze that little extra of every buck. Rising ROE or ROE above 15% is necessary to make into the hallowed list of model portfolio.
(v) No High Capex Requirements – No Serial Diluters of Equity:
We know the demerits of investing in stocks like Suzlon & GMR which have an insatiable appetite for more and more capital. To feed their perennial hunger, these companies dilute their equity by making FPOs, GDRs & FCCBs resulting in total destruction of shareholders’ wealth. Companies should be lean and mean requiring minimal capital but generating huge returns there from.
(vi) Reasonable growth expectations:
“If you get a return of 20% for your portfolio, you must be very happy”. So, stop craving for that overnight multi-bagger. You’ll only end up losing your precious capital that way. Instead, look for well established small and mid cap companies that are growing at a reasonable rate of return (15 – 25%). With time and the magic of compounding, you will have your multi-bagger in your portfolio.
(vii) Valuations:
Most investors are obsessed about valuations, refusing to buy any stock that is “expensive”. However, one must remember that “expensive” is a relative term. If a stock is compounding at 25% on an annual basis, paying a price of 30 times earnings may be very reasonable. A stock like Nestle, for instance, has always been “expensive”. However, if an investor had gone ahead and bought the stock, he would have had an incredible multi-bagger on his hands. On the other hand, in trying to buy a “cheap” stock, one may get saddled with unsavory companies. After all, there is a reason why such stocks are “cheap”.
Of course, one should be careful not to buy in euphoric or bubble times when the pricing may be extravagant and not at all reasonable.
(viii) Concentrated Portfolio:
We like Warren Buffett approach, a believer in the concept of a concentrated portfolio. If you believe in the prospects of a stock you should be prepared to put a substantial chunk of money in it – or nothing at all. There is no point in buying a bit of this and a bit of that because that dilutes your returns.
Of course, we are no match for Warren Buffett and we do not have his conviction levels. So, we’ll stick to 10 stocks to begin with, which means that from 5% to 12% of the wealth will be invested in each stock.
(ix) Diversification:
Last but not the least; a proper portfolio must be diversified across sectors. A bit of Finance, a bit of consumption, some autos, some pharmaceuticals, a pinch of chemical etc will make a balanced portfolio.
Saral Gyan Portfolio of 10 Small and Mid Caps for 2024 will be emailed to all our Hidden Gems, Value Picks and Wealth-Builder membe rs on 31st Dec 2023. Portfolio stocks holding period is minimum of one year. If you wish to receive our New Year Portfolio of 2024 of 10 Small & Mid Caps, you can opt for any of service - Hidden Gems, Value Picks, Wealth-Builder or any of the combo packs.
We are pleased to inform you that we are offering maximum discounts up to 30% and valuable freebies on our subscription services under Merry Christmas - Happy New Year 2024 offer. Attractive discounts & valuable freebies which make this offer special for our readers are as under:
1. Discount up to 30% on combo pack subscription (valid up to 05 Jan'24 only)
2. Portfolio of 10 Small & Mid Cap Stocks for 2024 (to be released on 31st Dec'23)
2. Portfolio of 10 Small & Mid Cap Stocks for 2024 (to be released on 31st Dec'23)
3. Past 3 Hidden Gems Reports released over last 3-4 months (under HG subscription)
4. Past 3 Value Picks Reports released over last 3-4 months (under VP subscription)
5. Past 3 Wealth-Builder Portfolio updates (under WB subscription)
6. Existing Portfolio Health Check Up - Under Wealth-Builder subscription
7. Hidden Gems Flash Back Report (To be released in Jan'24) - Under HG Subscription
8. Value Pick Flash Back Report (To be released in Feb'24) - Under VP Subscription
Hidden Gems | Rs. | |
Value Picks | Rs. | |
15% @ 90 Days | Rs. 5,000 (No Discount) | |
Wealth-Builder | Rs. | |
Combo 1: HG + VP + WB + 15% | Rs. | |
Combo 2: HG + VP + 15% | Rs. | |
Combo 3: HG + VP | Rs. | |
Combo 4: HG + 15% | Rs. | |
Combo 5: VP + 15% | Rs. |
There is no combo option for Nano Champs, you need to opt for this service separately.
Simply choose the subscription service / combo subscription you would like to opt and click on SUBSCRIBE! link in above table to make online payment using your debit / credit card.
Click here to know more about Merry Christmas - Happy New Year Offer.
Below are the details of our services:
1. Hidden Gems (Unexplored Multibagger Small Cap Stocks): Based on fundamental analysis, our equity analysts release one Hidden Gem research report every month with buy recommendation and share it with all Hidden Gems members. Stock finalized as Hidden Gem belongs to small / micro caps space with market cap of less than 500 Crores, expected returns from Hidden Gems is nearly 90% to 100% in period of 12 - 24 months. Once target is achieved, we inform our members whether they should continue to hold the stock or need to do partial / full profit booking. If fundamentals are intact and valuations are reasonable, we suggest to continue to hold the stock for long term for multibagger returns. Annual subscription charge of Hidden Gems is INR 15,000 13,500 under which you will receive total 10 to 12 Hidden Gems research reports over a period of 12 months. Click here to read more about Hidden Gems.
2. Value Picks (Mid Caps with Plenty of Upside Potential): Our equity analysts team consider Warren Buffet approach to short list stocks from mid cap segment as Value Picks. Market cap of Value Pick will range from 1000 crores to 15,000 crores. Holding period of Value Picks is 12 - 24 months and one can expect returns of 40-60%. Annual subscription charge of Value Picks is INR 10,000 9,000 under which you will receive total 10 to 12 Value Picks research reports over a period of 12 months. Click here to read more about Value Picks.
3. 15% @ 90 Days (Buy to Sell Stocks for Short Term Gain): Based on technical analysis, our team recommends one stock every month to our members. It’s a short term call under which you can expect returns of 15% within period of 90 Days. Annual subscription charge of 15% @ 90 Days is INR 5,000 under which you will receive 10 to 12 stock recommendations. We suggest lower allocation in 15% @ 90 Days stocks and higher allocation in Hidden Gems and Value Picks which are our portfolio stocks based on fundamental analysis. 15% @ 90 Days stocks recommendations are based on buy to sell and gain strategy, hence we suggest our members to book complete profits once target is achieved and exit in case target is not achieved or stock has broken its 2nd support level as per report. Click here to read more about 15% @ 90 Days.
4. Wealth-Builder (An Offline Portfolio Management Service): Wealth-Builder is our model portfolio of Rs. 10 lakhs and currently we are holding around 16 stocks in our portfolio. We suggest higher allocation in our Wealth-Builder stocks which includes best of our Hidden Gems and Value Picks released during last couple of years. Our team suggest all our Wealth-Builder members to invest in the stocks which are part of our Wealth-Builder portfolio. Every month our team updates our Wealth-Builder members which stocks they need to buy / sell / hold with % allocation of these stocks in their portfolio, the suggested changes need to be replicated in the same proportion. Annual subscription charge of Wealth-Builder is INR 30,000 27,000 under which you will receive total 10 - 15 portfolio updates. We also review existing equity portfolio of our members and advise them which stocks to hold and which to exit based on fundamental analysis under Wealth-Builder service. Our Wealth-Builder service is suitable for those investors who have an existing portfolio of at least 3 to 4 lakhs or planning to invest similar amount or more in equity market. Click here to read more about Wealth-Builder.
5. Nano Champs (Deeply Undervalued & Undiscovered Micro Caps): Under Nano Champs service, we research on micro cap stocks with market capital of less than 100 - 120 crores, the investment horizon is 3 to 6 years with objective to achieve 10x returns in long term (6 years or more). As micro caps involves higher degree of risk compared to small and mid caps, we provide a diversified basket of 10 Nano Champs in our half yearly report. Moreover, as these are very small sized companies, the maximum investment allocation in each Nano Champs suggested is 1 percent of equity portfolio, hence maximum allocation of 10 percent to 10 Nano Champs. Annual subscription charge of Nano Champs is INR 13,000 11,700 under which you will receive total 2 reports (every 6 months) and ad-hoc updates (if any) over a period of 12 months. Click here to read more about Nano Champs.
We do update our members in terms of profit booking / exits depending upon various factors like overall Industry / Sector outlook, fundamentals of the company, management action plan and annual performance in terms of top line, bottom line, operating margins and other important parameters.
Do write to us in case of any queries, we will be delighted to assist you.
Wishing you Happy & Safe Investing!
Team - Saral Gyan.