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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Special Report - 5 Stocks - Potential 5-Baggers in 5 Years

Dear Member,

Last year on 29 May 2022, our equity analysts finalized the best investment opportunities from small cap segment which have the potential to deliver excellent returns during next 5 years. We released our Special Report - 5 Stocks - Potential 5-Baggers in 5 Years on 29th May 2022 and shared the report with our Hidden Gems and Wealth-Builder members. The objective of this report is to achieve average annualized returns of 38% each year to achieve 5x returns in period of next 5 years by investing in 5 small caps.

As illustrated in the table below, if these 5 companies generate returns on your investment @ 38% annually, your investment will be 5 fold in period of 5 years. Even if we take conservative scenario considering that only one out of five achieve CAGR of 38% and remaining four delivers CAGR of 20%, your investment will be trebled (3 times) in period of 5 years which is also good compared to returns from any other asset classes like Fixed Deposits, Real Estate, Metals – Gold / Silver or even major indices - Sensex and Nifty.

Investment of 5 lakhs in 5 Years at CAGR of 38%
We are confident to achieve 5 times returns in period of 5 years by monitoring performance of these five small size companies and taking corrective measures in case any of them does not perform up to our expectations. 

Few important parameters which have been looked by our equity analysts while finalizing the stock selection are as under: 
  • Market leader in the business / any one segment in which the company is operating in.
  • Scalable business with significant moat (sustainable competitive advantage)
  • Prudent Management with promoters increasing their shares holding in the company 
  • Low / manageable debt on books with healthy cash flows.
  • CAGR of above 15% with increase in operating and net profit margins in last 3 / 5 years.
  • Consistent dividend payment with expected increase in dividend payouts in coming years.
  • Growing EPS, low PE ratio with increasing ROE and ROCE over last 5 years.
  • Low share holdings of Institutions (FIIs & DIIs) to get first mover advantage.
Each parameter is equally important and plays a vital role to ensure that you get healthy returns on your investment with limited downside risk in long term. One of the important key to successful investing is to pick the right business at decent valuations. Once you buy shares, you own a part of company’s business.

While determining which stocks to consider as a long term investment opportunity for generating 5-Bagger returns, we looked into below 5 value drivers:

i) Does the company offer a product or service that has broad acceptability in a large, growing market?
ii) Does the company have healthy margins, and are they sustainable over a longer period of time?
iii) Can company generate significant amounts of cash without resorting to expensive debt?
iv) Can company return the cash generated to its shareholders by declaring generous dividends?
v) Is the company’s management honest and competent, with hunger to grow business at a faster pace?

We at Saral Gyan recommend good businesses to buy with long term view and any change in our stock views will be based on strong structural trend and not on any short term movement.

As mentioned above, we released last issue of our report - 5 Stocks - Potential 5-Bagger in 5 Years on 29 May 2022. The 5 Stocks covered in this report were small cap companies with a market capital of less than 600 crores. Our research team included Hidden Gems stocks released in past having potential to multiply your investment by 5 times within 5 years.

Below is the performance update of Potential 5-Bagger Stocks in 5 Years Report (released on 29 May 2022).
5 Stocks - Potential 5-Baggers in 5 Years Performance Update
We are glad to inform you that one stock out of these 5 potential 5-Bagger stocks have delivered 3.5X returns in period of one year, whereas other 4 stocks delivered returns of +56%, +13%, -2% and -13% respectively. The average returns delivered by these 5 stocks is 60% in period of one year.

Releasing Soon: Special Report - 5 Stocks - Potential 5-Baggers in 5 Years Update

Special Report - Potential 5-Bagger Stocks
As we review our Potential 5-Bagger Stocks every year, we will release the update on our Special Report - 5 Stocks - Potential 5-Baggers in 5 Years in the month of June 2023. Under this report, we will review the current valuations and future growth outlook of these companies and guide our members accordingly. We will update members with our current uptake on these companies (buy / sell / hold strategy). We may also suggest to exit some of the existing companies and cover new companies which offer better investment opportunities with potential to deliver 5X returns in period of 5 Years. If we find any major change in fundamentals in any of these 5 stocks which can impact their performance going forward, we will inform you to take corrective measures.

Note: If you wish to receive our Special Report 5 Stocks : Potential 5-Baggers in 5 Years Update (to be released in June 2023), simply subscribe to Hidden Gems or Wealth-Builder service, or any of our Hidden Gems combo packs and we will send you the report without any extra charges! Once the report is released, we will share this report with all our existing subscribers of Hidden Gems and Wealth-Builder service. Simply subscribe to our services and grab our Special Report - 5 Stocks - Potential 5-Baggers in 5 Years for Free!

Start building your equity portfolio by making educated investment decisions, subscribe to our Hidden GemsValue PicksWealth-BuilderNano Champs annual subscription services.


Hidden GemsRs. 14,000
Value PicksRs. 8,000
15% @ 90 DaysRs. 5,000
Wealth-BuilderRs. 28,000
Combo 1: HG + VP + WB + 15%Rs. 55,000 44,000 (20% OFF)
Combo 2: HG + VP + 15%Rs. 27,000 22,000 (20% OFF)
Combo 3: HG + VPRs. 22,000 19,000 (14% OFF)
Combo 4: HG + 15%Rs. 19,000 17,000 (11% OFF)
Combo 5: VP + 15%Rs. 13,000 11,500 (11% OFF)




NANO CHAMPS – 1 YEAR  - Rs 12,000


NANO CHAMPS – 3 YEARS - Rs. 30,000


Click here to know more about our services and discounts applicable on combo packs.

Do write to us in case of any queries, we will be delighted to assist you.

Team - Saral Gyan