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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Know Your Investment Profile & Risk Tolerance

By answering 15 questions about your risk preferences, you can find out your investment profile and risk tolerance. This score will determine the asset allocation that best suits your risk preferences, you can use our simple excel workbook - Saral Gyan Asset Allocation Questionnaire which suggests the optimum split between cash, bonds and stocks.

The questions are simple to answer, with options provided to select answers using drop-down list, check boxes and radio buttons. They are designed to determine your tolerance to investment volatility, the size of your existing financial cushion, your time horizon, and what you want your investment to achieve.

Saral Gyan Investment Risk Profile & Asset Allocation workbook - Download

The questions asked in the excel workbook includes:

1.What is your total annual income before tax (including investment dividends but not including employment bonuses)?
2.How many sources of income do you have?
3.What is the value of your liquid (or investable assets)? This includes cash plus any easily sold investments like Gold, Bonds and Stocks.
4.What yearly income do you want from this investment portfolio?
5.How long do you intend to hold this investment portfolio?
6.What would you do if your investment portfolio fell in value by one-fifth (20%) over the course of 12 months?
7.What characteristics would you prefer your investments to have?
8.Do you prefer investments which have low volatility and low return, or investments which have high volatility and high returns?
9.What do you want this investment portfolio to do? Preserve capital, generate income, generate income with some capital appreciation etc.
10.What volatility (or risk) are you prepared to tolerate?
11.In the next five years, what percentage (if any) of the portfolio do you plant to sell to realize cash?
12.What kind of investments do you currently own, or would prefer to own? Domestic, international, aggressive, fixed income etc.
13.Assuming a time horizon of ten years, what annual return do you want?
14.Who do you normally get investment advice from?
15.How would you rate your current skill in managing investments?

Your answer to each question is rated with a score. The total score is used to suggest an asset allocation that is appropriate to your risk preferences; the workbook suggests a split between:

■ Cash
■ Bonds (high-yield, long-term, intermediate and international)
■ Stocks (large cap, mid cap, small cap and micro cap stocks)

You can also find out what kind of investor you’re considered; an income investor, a long term investor, an aggressive, moderate or conservative investor. Really helpful, do it yourself. Click here to Download our Investment profile and Asset Allocation workbook.