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Showing posts with label Special Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Special Report. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Performance Update - 6 Hidden Gems to Buy / Accumulate

 Dear Member,

We have seen significant correction in broader market over last one year. While major indices - Sensex and Nifty are merely down by around 7% from their all time high, most of the small and mid caps which turned expensive in 2021 - 2022 have seen significant price correction over last 12 to 18 months. At current juncture, where large caps are fairly priced, small and mid caps segment offers good investment opportunities with plenty of stocks available at attractive to reasonable valuations with significant upside potential from current levels.

BSE Small Cap Index made all time high of 31,304 in Jan 2022 and later witnessed correction of -25.7% making low of 23,304 in Jun 2022. Currently, BSE Small Cap Index is around 27,600 i.e. down by around 12% from its peak of Jan 2022, where as many small cap stocks are down by 20% to 70% from their peak prices.

“The first rule of investment is ‘buy low and sell high’, but many people fear to buy low because of the fear of the stock dropping even lower. Then you may ask: ‘When is the time to buy low?’ The answer is: When there is maximum pessimism.”
Sir John Templeton

Performance Update of Hidden Gems Special Report released in Sept 2018

We would like to inform you that we released our Special Report - 6 Hidden Gems to Buy / Accumulate on 30 Sept 2018. We selected stocks from our past recommendations and advised our members to accumulate them during 2018 and 2019. Below is the performance update of Hidden Gems stocks shortlisted under our Special Report:
We are glad to share that despite the severe correction in broader market over last 12 to 18 months, Globus Spirits is delivering as on date returns of 433% followed by Acrysil (343%), Talbros Automotives (103%) and Sahyadri Industries (99%), other two stocks i.e. Control Print and Bhageria Industries is giving 35% and 13% returns respectively as on date.

Imp Note: You can access our Special Report - 6 Hidden Gems to Buy / Accumulate which we released on 30 Sept 2018, Click here to download the old report. 

Please note we do not advise investment in these companies, the report is shared to update you on the past performance of our small cap picks covered in Special Report (released on 30 Sept 2018) under Hidden Gems service.

Special Report - 5 Hidden Gems to Buy / Accumulate - Released on 29 Jan 2023

Post significant correction in small caps, we reviewed our past recommendations released under Hidden Gems of last 3 to 4 years and short listed 5 Hidden Gems stocks which offer good long term investment opportunity and have potential to give excellent returns on your investment during next 2 – 3 years. These stocks are covered in our Special Report - 5 Hidden Gems to Buy / Accumulate which we released on 29 Jan 2023.

While short listing 5 stocks under Hidden Gems, we evaluated each company on the basis of I-B-M-V-E-D parameters (Industry, Business, Management, Valuations, Earnings Growth & Debt Management) and rated every parameter using a rating scale – E,V,G,F,P (E=Excellent, V=Very Good, G=Good, F=Fair, P=Poor)

One of the important key to successful investing is to pick the right business at decent valuations. We finalized these 5 stocks with a long term view (2-3 years) and find them better over other Hidden Gems stocks in terms of valuations, earning visibility, debt management and integrity of promoters towards their business and interest of minority shareholders.

The 5 Hidden Gems stocks which we finalized have a market capital below 700 crores and seen a price correction between 20% to 60% from their peak (made is 2021 - 2022) without any major change in business fundamentals. We believe these stocks will outperform giving much better returns compared to broader indices in medium to long term. Our members can add these stocks in their portfolio with long term view (2 to 3 years at least). We suggest our members to start investing in these 6 Hidden Gems stocks with initial allocation of 1-2% and increase allocation gradually to 3-4% in staggered way in case stock prices of these companies falls by another 10% to 20% or more during ongoing market correction.
Important parameters which we looked into while finalizing stocks are as under:

1. Industry – Operating in Industry / sector which is expected to grow > 12% CAGR during next 3 years
2. Business – Leadership position in the business or one of its business segment in certain geography
3. Management – Prudent & trustworthy management keeping interest of minority share holders
4. Valuations – Reasonable / attractive valuations compared to peer group companies
5. Earnings – Consistent past performance & strong earning visibility with planned / recent expansion
6. Debt Management – Company is able to generate cash flows with low or reducing debt on books

If you wish to receive our Special Report - 5 Hidden Gems Stocks to Buy / Accumulate, you can subscribe to our Hidden Gems service. We will soon release another Special Report - 5 Value Picks Stocks to Buy / Accumulate in Feb 2023, you can subscribe to our Value Picks service, to receive the same.

If you have patience and want to add extra power in your portfolio, start investing some portion of your savings in fundamentally strong small and mid cap companies - Hidden Gems and Value Picks.

Moreover, if you have invested in stocks and believe that your investments are not performing well, subscribe to our Wealth-Builder service and get your portfolio reviewed by us. We will review fundamentals of the companies you are holding and guide you which stocks to hold and which to exit. We will also review your equity investments across sectors and companies to ensure that your portfolio allocation is right and outperforms major indices giving you better returns in medium to long term.

Start building your equity portfolio by making educated investment decisions, subscribe to our Hidden GemsValue PicksWealth-BuilderNano Champs annual subscription services.


Hidden GemsRs. 14,000
Value PicksRs. 8,000
15% @ 90 DaysRs. 5,000
Wealth-BuilderRs. 28,000
Combo 1: HG + VP + WB + 15%Rs. 55,000 44,000 (20% OFF)
Combo 2: HG + VP + 15%Rs. 27,000 22,000 (20% OFF)
Combo 3: HG + VPRs. 22,000 19,000 (14% OFF)
Combo 4: HG + 15%Rs. 19,000 17,000 (11% OFF)
Combo 5: VP + 15%Rs. 13,000 11,500 (11% OFF)




NANO CHAMPS – 1 YEAR  - Rs 12,000


NANO CHAMPS – 3 YEARS - Rs. 30,000


Click here to know more about our services and discounts applicable on combo packs.

Do write to us at in case of any queries, we will be delighted to assist you.

Team - Saral Gyan

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Special Report - 5 Hidden Gems to Buy is Released

Dear Member,

We have seen significant correction in broader market over last one year. While major indices - Sensex and Nifty are merely down by around 7% from their all time high, most of the small and mid caps which turned expensive in 2021 - 2022 have seen significant price correction over last 12 to 18 months. At current juncture, where large caps are fairly priced, small and mid caps segment offers good investment opportunities with plenty of stocks available at attractive to reasonable valuations with significant upside potential from current levels.

BSE Small Cap Index made all time high of 31,304 in Jan 2022 and later witnessed correction of -25.7% making low of 23,304 in Jun 2022. Currently, BSE Small Cap Index is at 27,600 i.e. down by around 12% from its peak of Jan 2022, where as many small cap stocks are down by 20% to 70% from their peak prices.

“The first rule of investment is ‘buy low and sell high’, but many people fear to buy low because of the fear of the stock dropping even lower. Then you may ask: ‘When is the time to buy low?’ The answer is: When there is maximum pessimism.”
Sir John Templeton

Special Report - 5 Hidden Gems to Buy / Accumulate - Released on 29 Jan 2023

Post significant correction in small caps, we reviewed our past recommendations released under Hidden Gems of last 3 years and short listed 5 Hidden Gems stocks which offer good long term investment opportunity and have potential to give excellent returns on your investment during next 2 – 3 years. These stocks are covered in our Special Report - 5 Hidden Gems to Buy / Accumulate which we released on 29 Jan 2023.

While short listing 5 stocks under Hidden Gems, we evaluated each company on the basis of I-B-M-V-E-D parameters (Industry, Business, Management, Valuations, Earnings Growth & Debt Management) and rated every parameter using a rating scale – E,V,G,F,P (E=Excellent, V=Very Good, G=Good, F=Fair, P=Poor)

One of the important key to successful investing is to pick the right business at decent valuations. We finalized these 5 stocks with a long term view (2-3 years) and find them better over other Hidden Gems stocks in terms of valuations, earning visibility, debt management and integrity of promoters towards their business and interest of minority shareholders.

The 5 Hidden Gems stocks which we finalized have a market capital below 700 crores and seen a price correction between 20% to 60% from their peak (made is 2021 - 2022) without any major change in business fundamentals. We believe these stocks will outperform giving much better returns compared to broader indices in medium to long term. Our members can add these stocks in their portfolio with long term view (2 to 3 years at least). We suggest our members to start investing in these 5 Hidden Gems stocks with initial allocation of 1-2% and increase allocation gradually to 3-4% in staggered way in case stock prices of these companies falls by another 10% to 20% or more during ongoing market correction.
Important parameters which we looked into while finalizing stocks are as under:

1. Industry – Operating in Industry / sector which is expected to grow > 12% CAGR during next 3 years
2. Business – Leadership position in the business or one of its business segment in certain geography
3. Management – Prudent & trustworthy management keeping interest of minority share holders
4. Valuations – Reasonable / attractive valuations compared to peer group companies
5. Earnings – Consistent past performance & strong earning visibility with planned / recent expansion
6. Debt Management – Company is able to generate cash flows with low or reducing debt on books

If you wish to receive our Special Report - 5 Hidden Gems Stocks to Buy / Accumulate, you can subscribe to our Hidden Gems service. We will soon release another Special Report - 5 Value Picks Stocks to Buy / Accumulate in Feb 2023, you can subscribe to our Value Picks service, to receive the same.

If you have patience and want to add extra power in your portfolio, start investing some portion of your savings in fundamentally strong small and mid cap companies - Hidden Gems and Value Picks.

Moreover, if you have invested in stocks and believe that your investments are not performing well, subscribe to our Wealth-Builder service and get your portfolio reviewed by us. We will review fundamentals of the companies you are holding and guide you which stocks to hold and which to exit. We will also review your equity investments across sectors and companies to ensure that your portfolio allocation is right and outperforms major indices giving you better returns in medium to long term.

Start building your equity portfolio by making educated investment decisions, subscribe to our Hidden GemsValue PicksWealth-Builder, Nano Champs annual subscription services.


Hidden GemsRs. 14,000
Value PicksRs. 8,000
15% @ 90 DaysRs. 5,000
Wealth-BuilderRs. 28,000
Combo 1: HG + VP + WB + 15%Rs. 55,000 44,000 (20% OFF)
Combo 2: HG + VP + 15%Rs. 27,000 22,000 (20% OFF)
Combo 3: HG + VPRs. 22,000 19,000 (14% OFF)
Combo 4: HG + 15%Rs. 19,000 17,000 (11% OFF)
Combo 5: VP + 15%Rs. 13,000 11,500 (11% OFF)




NANO CHAMPS – 1 YEAR  - Rs 12,000


NANO CHAMPS – 3 YEARS - Rs. 30,000


Click here to know more about our services and discounts applicable on combo packs.

Do write to us at in case of any queries, we will be delighted to assist you.

Team - Saral Gyan

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Look for Bargains during Recent Stock Market Correction

Dear Reader,

Following the crowd in the stock market can lead to disaster if you're not careful. Panic buying or selling can push stock prices beyond reason.

The crowd-following problem seems worse when the markets are down and the mood is pessimistic, people tend to sell even if there is no specific reason to let go of an individual stock.

This common trading mistake costs investors dearly. When the talking heads on television and the wags in print and online begin talk of doom, many investors dump their stocks in favor of cash or other "safe" investments.

Rushing In

As soon as the same crowd gets excited about the market again, the cash investors rush back to the market and buy stocks.

The problem with this approach is that the investor is frightened out of the market when prices are depressed and lured back in when prices have rebounded. In other words, sell low, buy high.

Your best defense against a market that slumps dramatically is to have a well-diversified portfolio that contains an appropriate amount of risk for your financial condition. This alone won't protect you when the whole market dives, however it will position you to ride out the slump and be in good position for when the market rebounds.

The thoughtful investor always asks why the price of a stock is moving before making a decision.

• Has something changed in the company?

• Has something changed in the company's primary market?

• Has there been a negative or positive regulatory or legal change?

• Is there an underlying change in the economy?

These are not all the questions you should ask, some will be specific to the industry or sector, but you get the idea. When you can find nothing in the answers to questions specific to the company, you look to the market.

Is this stock dropping (or rising) because the overall market is moving dramatically in that direction? It can work both ways, although a down market seems to depress overall prices more than an up market raises overall prices.

Shopping at Discounted Price

If you are looking to add to your portfolio, consider a down market a great shopping opportunity. A thoughtful investor is going to buy on the potential of a company and if he or she can pick the stock up at a discount so much the better.

This investing approach takes some courage and confidence in your ability to distinguish between a stock price depressed by a down market and a stock that is fundamentally flawed. You also must be prepared for further declines if the market continues to slide and consider it to add more of our favourite stock picks backed by strong fundamentals and reasonable valuations.

If you have at least three to five years before you will need to begin cashing in your holdings (at or near retirement), you may be able to ride out an extended economic downturn. However, if you do your homework, you'll find bargains in down markets that may reward you handsomely in the future.

Don't be frightened off a stock just because the overall market is sour. If the fundamentals of a company are solid, a down market may be a great time to do some discount shopping. A fundamentally sound company will likely be on the leading edge out of an economic downturn.

These days we can see news are floating on leading business TV channels and newspapers that stock market may repeat history of 2008 going through severe downfall in major indices in coming months. However, we do not agree with such views simply because valuations are not expensive like that of Jan 2008 levels and economic growth will maintain its momentum in coming quarters. Moreover, we expect overall economy to do well in 2nd half of this financial year with better corporate earnings. We continue to suggest our members to avoid timing the markets and look for bargains during ongoing market correction. 

Wish you happy & safe Investing. 

Team - Saral Gyan